Tuesday, 4 December 2012

Naturopaty Therapies

Let Me Introduce you briefly some of the Naturopathy therapies:-

1) Magneto Therapy
2) Yoga Therapy
3) Diet Therapy
4) Acupuncture
5) Acupressure
6) Hydrotherapy
7) Mud Therapy
8) Fasting Therapy
9) Chromo Therapy
1) Magneto Therapy

This is an alternative medicine practice involving the use of static magnetic fields. Magnet therapy is a clinical system in which human ailments treated and cured through the application of magnets to the body of the patient. It is the simplest and painless system of treatment, with no side effects.

Magnetic treatment is given directly to the body parts by the therapeutic magnets available in the different forms with different powers.

  Therapeutic use of magnets in the form like:-

Magnetic belts,necklaces, glasses, magnetic bed, and bracelets etc.

Benefits of Magneto Therapy

a) Helps in the balancing the energy
b) Improves circulation to the applied area
c) Increases the worthlessness in the body
d) Help mainly to treat pain

I will cover remaining therapies one by one in next posts.

Feel free to ask queries:-) Connect me at parisarayoga@gmail.com

Saturday, 14 April 2012

Naturopathy Health Tips

What is Naturopathy?
Naturopathy or naturopathic medicine is a system of medicine based on the healing power of nature. Its holistic medicinal system.

Our body is made up of Panchamahaboothas i.e. earth, water, air, akash[eather] and fir by using these panchamahaboothas giving treatments to our diseased body and also teach us how to lead a life with good health with the help of nature is called as Prakriti chikitsa or naturopathy.

Naturopathy is a drugless therapy of treating and preventing diseases. The natural forces such as air, water sunlight, earth, and fresh raw uncooked natural foods such as fruits, vegetables, green leafy vegetables, sprouts and herbs are used for treatments.

Natural Tips for Good Health

In our daily routine if we practice some rules, we really over come from diseases. In our country naturopathy was popularized by Mahatma Gandhi next to him Dr. Alur Venkata rao, he introduced “Arogya Raksha Panchatantras” means to lead a healthy life basic rules they are as follows

1) Drink at list 3-4lits of water per day
Our body is consisting of 70-80% of water; drinking 3-4 lits of water helps our body to do its daily routine well. As well as over come from Hyper acidity, constipation, Kidney Stones, headaches etc. But we should not take water in between meals, its better to take water half an hour before or half an hour after meals.

2) Take meals twice a day
If we have heavy meals, our digestive system takes 4-5 hours to digest it, taking meals only twice a day helps our digestive system to work in better way. By this we can prevent digestive disorders. If we feel it’s difficult to stay by taking only twice meal, we can go for vegetables and fruits.

3) Pray twice a day

 Devotion towards god will help us to keep away from mental stress; tension, depression and it give us mental peace, carriage, braveness, and boldness to our life. How good diet gives strength to our physical body same way good prayer give mental health.

4) Fast once in a week

For maintain of good health fast once in a week, it helps our digestive system to relax completely, and stimulate our body to throw out morbid matter or toxic matter. In this time we can go for liquid diets like drinking coconut water, Lemon honey juice, butter milk, and fruit juices.

5) Daily practice of Yogasanas for 1 hour
Practice of Yogasana maintains our mental and physical health; also it prevents May physical and mental disorders. So practice asanas daily for 45mit-1 hour.